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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page ! – Mrs Parton, Mrs Belford, Mrs Kilgariff and Miss Michalska are looking forward to spending this year with you!

Our Class Saint – St John Henry Newman

The children have chosen to have Saint John Henry Newman, as he is also the patron Saint of our collegiate and they wanted to learn more about him. Saint John Henry Newman was an Anglican priest, then later a Catholic priest and Cardinal. He is an very important figure in the religious history of England.


 His Feast Day is 9th October.

Home Reading

Reading helps children with their knowledge, understanding and language. The children are taught to read in school however it is important that you encourage your child to read at home daily and listen to them read a couple of pages of their book every night.

Reading books will be changed regularly and every week the children will also choose a library book to read over the weekend.

Click the video link below for tips on how to support your child with reading at home.

Parents, you must sign your child’s reading diaries so your children can be rewarded with a stamp for their efforts.

Free Student Spelling Cliparts, Download Free Student Spelling Cliparts png  images, Free ClipArts on Clipart Library


Each week children will receive spellings from the Year 6 National Curriculum to practice in class and at home.

New spellings will be given out every week on a Wednesday.

We are now using the Emile spelling app for spelling homework. All children have a login in which will be stuck into the front of their reading diary in September.

Please help your child to practise their spellings at home and over the weekend as their main test will be each Wednesday.


Children will be given 1 piece of maths and 1 piece of grammar homework each week. Homework will be handed out every Tuesday (to be completed by the following Monday)

Children also have logins to Times Table Rockstars and are expected to practise their times-tables weekly.

Click the link below to access our school login in page. Then log on using your child’s username & password will also be stuck in your child’s reading diary.

5 reasons why autumn is the best time for camping | Kathmandu UK

What will we be learning this Term?

Summer Term 1


English – Our guided reading and English lessons with Mrs Belford will be based around the novel – The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. With Mrs Parton, the children will look at shorter extracts in preparation for SATs.


Without giving too much away, this is the story of four children who all embark on a plane journey. The plane crashes and leaves the children with no obvious way home. The four children maybe alive, but the jungle is a vast, untamed place. What will happen to the children? 

We will use our class book as inspiration for our own writing. We will learn key language and grammar skills to help us to write a variety of different texts.


This is a great website to help with revision. Can you escape?


This half term we focus on revision and question techniques in preparation for SATs.

Please encourage your children to access and BBC bitesize at home

RE - Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost

This half term we will continue our work on Holy Week, moving onto Easter and Pentecost. 

We will also look at how we belong to the Church community. 


Our Value and Virtue this half term Eloquent and Truthful. We will look at this in our shared worship and be thinking about how we can live these out in our own lives. 


Science - We will continue are unit on Living things and their habitats


We will learn : ·

  • Classification based on characteristics 

  • Linnaean system 

  • Microorganisms 

  • Learn to give reasons for classifications 


History – Ancient Egyptians


We will examine the experience of people of Egypt by studying artefacts. We will begin to understand the past can be interpreted in different ways by interpreting primary sources (wall painting). We will also look at the Ancient Egyptians legacy.

Art – Ancient Egyptian Art


Children will:

  • Examine Egyptian art 

  • Create sketches of Egyptian Art 

  • Create their own piece of Egyptian inspired art work 

Computing – We are Advertisers


Children will create their own advert. They will learn to: 

To select, use and combine software on a range of digital devices 

To  use a range of technology for a specific project 

To discuss the risks of online use of technology 

To identify how to minimise risks



Verbs in a French Week 

Children will attempt to read new verbs aloud, create an opinion phrase with a new verb and create an original short text. 


In my French House 

Children will understand French words for different types of houses and rooms, label items in rooms and write a piece to describe a room or home. 


French Sport and the Olympics 

Children will learn to name sports and construct simple sentences to say which sports they like/dislike. They will also use writing frames to write up an interview article in French. 

PSHE – Healthy Me

Children will learn about personal relationships. They will discuss situations where we feel under pressure and strategies to help us. We will also continue to discuss staying safe online.  

P.E – Athletics (Tuesday)

Children will learn to practice a variety of skills including running, jumping and throwing. 

Please ensure that your child’s P.E kit is in school.



Useful links to websites that could help at home:

Arithmetic practice 

This is an excellent site, providing revision help for KS2, KS3, KS 4 and KS5. This covers all subjects through activities and tests.

A wide range of KS2 SATs questions, from both past papers and their own team of teachers.

The following link is to a website that if full of maths activities: