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Year 1



Welcome to Year One’s class page

Your teachers this year are Mrs Hackney, Miss Medgyesy, Miss Johnson, Mrs Ibrahim. We are so excited to share a fun filled year with you!

Academic Year 2023-2024


Reminders and Yr 1 Expectations

  • Please read at least 4 times a week with your child at home and sign their reading diaries. Children hand in their reading diaries every morning to be checked. Children who haven’t read at home will need to be heard within the school day. We will listen to your child  throughout the week. 
  • With an additional focus on reading in the lead up to the phonic screen, your child will be sent home some sounds and words to practice reading on Monday. It is very important these are practiced daily. The children will then go through these words at the end of the week as a whole class. 
  • Children will have a homework book, given out on a Friday and this will be returned on a Wednesday. 
  • Children will receive Math’s fluency homework Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 
  • PE Kits: On a Thursday, children should arrive at school in their PE kits and will get changed into school uniform after PE. Please make sure children have everything they need, including school shoes and ties for after PE. 
  • End of Y1 Expectations

Please continue to scroll down after the Phonics and Maths weekly updates to find out what your children will be learning in the curriculum including photographs throughout this half term.


'j' phoneme written as 'g(e)', 'g(i)' 'g(y)' and 'dge' (age, margin, gym and bridge)

'l' phoneme written as 'le' (circle) 

'm' phoneme written as 'mb' (climb) 

'n' phoneme written as 'kn' and 'gn' (knock and design)

'r' phoneme written as 'wr' (write) 

'ch' phoneme written as 'tch' (batch and pitch)

'sh' phoneme alternatives (action, position and special)

'e' phoneme written as 'ea' (bread and breath)

'zh' phoneme written as 's' (vision and treasure)

'o' phoneme written as '(w)a' (wash, swamp, wallet)

'u' phoneme written as 'o' (won and worry)

Suffix ending in 'ing' (swimming and jogging)

Suffix ending in 'ed' (jogged and dimmed)

Suffix ending: split digraph silent 'e' + 'ing', '-ed'  (joked and saving)

Suffix ending '-s' (as plural phoneme) (stars and sweets)

Suffix ending '-es' after 'ss', 'x' (masses, boxes and grasses)

Suffix ending '-es' after 'ch' 'sh' 'tch' (bunches, wishes and ditches)

Prefix 're-' (reset and replace)

Prefix 'un-' (unfair and unhappy)

Prefix, root, suffix  (unplugs and reusing) 


Introducing Mass and Capacity

  • Heavier and lighter
  • Measuring mass
  • Comparing mass
  • Full and empty
  • Measuring capacity
  • Comparing capacity


Multiplication and Division:

  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Recognise equal groups
  • Add equal groups
  • Make arrays
  • Make doubles
  • Grouping and sharing.


  • Recognise/find half of a shape or quantity.
  • Recognise/find a quarter of a shape or quantity.

Geometry-Position and Direction

  • Describe turns
  • Describe position (left, right, forwards, backwards, above and below)
  • Ordinal numbers




This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the season of Easter as a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. The unit focuses on the importance of the Resurrection and its message.


Following Jesus Today

This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of what it means to follow Jesus today. The unit develops the children’s understanding of how, as followers of Jesus, we belong to the Church and the different ways that the Church, and the different members of it, follow Jesus.


The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch  

Everyday, Mr Grinling the lighthouse keeper cleans and polishes his light to make sure it shines brightly at night. At lunchtime he tucks into a delicious and well-deserved lunch, prepared by his wife. But Mr Grinling isn’t the only one who enjoys the tasty food.


We will use our class book as inspiration for our own writing. This half term, as always, we will continue to focus on proper sentence structure, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. To further our learning, we will create descriptive writing based on the story, as well as writing a postcard. We will also explore Instructions as our Non-Fiction text type, which will focus on ‘Making a sandwich’. In addition, we will explore putting words into alphabetical order and poems on a theme.

Guided Reading

Jim and the Beanstalk

We will use this text to explore key reading skills whilst also enjoying this well-loved, twisted tale. We will also use this book as a basis for our Non Fiction instruction writing. We will focus our reading skills around:

  • explaining the meaning of vocabulary
  • retrieving information from what we have read
  • making inferences using evidence to support ideas
  • predicting what might happen from details stated and implied


Science (Plants)

 -Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.

-Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

-To plant a flower and observe the changes over time, drawing our observations into our plant journal. 


Geography - The United Kingdom and the seaside

Location Knowledge 

-Know the names of the four countries that make up the UK and name the three main seas that surround the UK

-Know the name of and locate the four capital cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 

Place Knowledge

-Compare the contrast our locality with the seaside 

Human and Physical Geography 

-Know and recognise: beach, cliff, coast, sea, ocean, port, harbour and shop

Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

-Locate the four countries on a map



We will be looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and be creating work based on his technique. 

-Know how to cut, roll and coil materials using clay and foil

-Know how to create moods in artwork 

-Describe what can be seen and give an opinion about the work of an artist

-Ask questions about a piece of art



We are Rhythmic!

-To create digital content

-To store digital content

-To retrieve digital content

-To record sound and play back 


PE will be on a Thursday with Mr Sigley. We will be doing athletics this half-term and focusing on the following skills:

-Master basic movements/agility 

-Show an awareness of how the body changes/functions during exercise 

-Displays development FUNdamentals of movement (Jog, sprint, jump, hop, weight on hands, balance and coordination. 


We will continue learning musical vocabulary with a focus on words that we use to describe dynamics. We will continue to practice listening to pieces of music, finding the pulse and using musical language to talk about what we have heard. We will start to learn how to play simple melodies on the glockenspiel. 






Healthy Me
Children will learn about how to stay healthy and to keep themselves safe through topics such as road safety and a balanced diet. 
Celebrating Differences
Children will learn that everyone is different and to accept differences. How are we the same and different to each other. To know that we need to include others when working and playing together. 



Academic Year 2023-2024

Spring 2 

Reminders and Yr 1 Expectations

  • Please read at least 4 times a week with your child at home and sign their reading diaries. Children hand in their reading diaries every morning to be checked. Children who haven’t read at home will need to be heard within the school day. We will listen to your child  throughout the week. 
  • Homework includes spellings given out on a Monday which need to be practised daily. They will be tested on the following Monday. 
  • Children will have a homework book, given out on a Friday and this will be returned on a Wednesday. 
  • Children will receive Math’s fluency homework Mon-Wed
  • PE Kits: Every Monday and Tuesday, children should arrive at school in their uniform and get changed in school. PE kits should be washed and returned the following week. 
  • End of Y1 Expectations

Please continue to scroll down after the Phonics and Maths weekly updates to find out what your children will be learning in the curriculum including photographs throughout this half term.

This half term we will continue to learn the sounds of Phase 5. Please use the videos below to recap the sounds with your children. Below is some useful information and activities.

Phoneme– The sound of a letter. For example /k/.

Grapheme– The way we write the phoneme (sound). For example, /k/ can be written as c k ck qu ch.

Digraphs– Two graphemes that make one phoneme (sound).

Trigraphs– Three graphemes that make one phoneme (sound). 

Please find below phonics pronunciation videos to support at home. This will tell you how to pronounce each sound. 

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 5

 Spring 2

In Spring 2 we will be learning lots of new sounds ready for a phonics screening check in June 2024. The sounds and alternative spellings we will be covering this half term are:

'or' diagraph written as 'aw', 'au' and 'al' (paw, applaued and wall)

'ur' digraph written as 'ir', 'er' and 'ear' (sir, herb and learn)

'ow' diagraph written as 'ou' (proud)

'oi' diagraph written as 'oy' (enjoy) 

'ear' trigraph written as 'ere' and 'eer' (sphere and sheer)

'air' trigraph written as 'are' and 'ear' (share and wear)

'c' phoneme written as 'k', 'ck' and 'ch' (bank, duck and school)

's' phoneme written as 'c(e)', 'c(i)', 'c(y)' 'sc', 'st' and 'se'   (Cerment, pencil, cymbal, scnet, rustling and ascent)

'j' phoneme written as 'g(e)', 'g(i)' 'g(y)' and 'dge' (age, margin, gym and bridge)

'l' phoneme written as 'le' (circle) 

'm' phoneme written as 'mb' (climb) 

'n' phoneme written as 'kn' and 'gn' (knock and design)

'r' phoneme written as 'wr' (write)


Week Beginning 26th February

This week we continue looking at the 'ur' digraph written as 'ir', 'er' and 'ear' (sir, herb and learn) and start looking at 'ow' diagraph written as 'ou' (proud) and 'oi' diagraph written as 'oy' (enjoy).

Forest Phonics - mobile friendly ( (select sounds ou and oy or recap some of our other sounds)

Week Beginning 19th February 

This week we will look at the diagraph 'or' diagraph written as 'aw', 'au' and 'al' (paw, applaued and wall) and 'ur' digraph written as 'ir', 'er' and 'ear' (sir, herb and learn). 


See if you can remember some of the words we looked at during our lessons using the pictures. You could have a go spelling the words using the new diagraphs aw, au and al. 



Week Beginning 5th February 

This week we are starting our new unit in phonics. We are recapping the phase 3 'oo' sound and learning new ways the 'oo' sound can be written. We will learn that sometimes ew, ue, u-e, u and oul can make the 'oo' sound (screw, glue, flute, bush and could).

Week Beginning 29th January

This week we are recapping the sound oa. We will be learning new ways the oa phoneme can be written. They will learn that sometimes ow, o-e, o and oe can make the oa sound in words (rainbow, hole, post and toe).


Week Beginning 22nd January

This week we are going to be reading words with the ‘igh’ phoneme. We will be recapping our knowledge of the ‘igh’ sound and the different ways of writing the ‘igh’ sound. They should learn this week that sometimes 'i-e', 'ie' and 'y' can make the igh sound in words (bike, tie and fly).

Week Beginning 15th January

This week we are recapping our family of 'ee' sounds, which include ea, e-e, ey. ie and y. Children need to be word detectives to find the correct spelling for the 'ee' sound. You can support your child in their learning by finding different things around the house or when shopping that include ea, e-e, ey. ie and y (tea, swede, money, field and crunchy.


Week Beginning 9th January 

This week we are going to be reading words with the ‘ee’ phoneme. We will be recapping our knowledge of the ‘ee’ sound and the different ways of writing the ‘ee’ sound. The children should be confident reading words with ee and ea graphemes (see and sea.). They should learn this week that sometimes e-e, ey, ‘ie’ and ‘y’ can make the ee sound in words, (even, monkey, chief and spooky).


ee, ea -

eigh -

a-e -

ay -

ph -

wh -

Phase 4 Trick Words -

Extra Resources -



Week Beginning 26th February 

This week we are starting our new topic in Maths - counting to 50. The children will do loads of counting to 50 and back from 50. Children will also need to learn how to count in 10 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50). Please practice this as much as possible over the next week as it will support them within their maths work. Use the number square to help you or watch the videos.



Week Beginning 19th February 

We are continuing our unit from before half term of addition and subtration within 20. We will be doing lots of counting back and using numberlines to subract. Practice using a numberline to work out simple subractions sentences (8-2=__)


Week beginning 5th February

We are starting our new maths unit . . . addition and subtraction within 20. We are doing recapping on addition and subtraction within 10 and building our knowledge further. Please practice counting and writing numbers 0-20. We have also been practising our two-times tables as we are using these lots within our power maths lessons. Please find the videos below to support your children in their learning.

Week Beginning 22nd January and 29th January

This week we will carry on with our new unit in maths focussing on numbers to 20. Children will confidently be able to find one more or one less than any number to 20. Children will identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations, including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least. Please practice counting from 0-20 (forwards and backwards) and counting starting at different numbers (12, 13, 14).

Week Beginning 15th January

We have been working super hard in our 2D and 3D shapes topic. We have learnt the names: cone (ice cream cone), cube (dice), cuboid, sphere (ball), cylinder (pringles tube) and a square-based pyramid. See if you can spot everyday objects that are 3D shapes and the children are welcome to bring them in to share with the class. 


Towards the end of this week, we will be moving onto numbers to 20. Please count as much as you can from 0-20 focussing on the teen numbers. We will be looking at counting, representing and writing numbers to 20.

Week Beginning 9th January 

This week we will start our new power maths topic - 2D and 3D Shapes. We will be learning the name of different 3D shapes. Please find videos and games to support your child in this learning.

Shifting Shapes (

Spring 2


This term in English we will be starting our topic of castles. We will be writing a recount of our trip to Tamworth Caslte. We will be focussing on adverbials of time - first, next, after that and finally. We will continue on castles by writing a non-chronoloical report about casltes. Our main focus will be writing the different sections and including the features fount in a non-chronological report (Heading, sub-headings, adjectives and lots of facts). 

We will begin to look at a book called Rapunzel. First we will look at characters and setting descriptions to focus on adjectives. The children understand ajectives are describing words however, will be working hard to include these in our writing to make it sound more exciting. This will lead onto our final piece of work on writing a set of instructions about how to catch a witch?



This half term we will be learning about "Castles" Through this topic the children will be learning to place events and some artefacts on a timeline. They will begin to explain why monarchs built castles and what the consequences of these actions were. They will also compare the similarities and differences between different castles and to begin to talk about key events of a significant king/queen or castle. The children have already enjoyed their trip to Tamworth Castle and will use this experience to build on their knowledge and vocabulary each week. 



















This half term the children willbe journeying through the season of Lent. They will learn what it means to ask for forgiveness ut to also forgive others. We will look at the meaning of the word "sorry" and Learn the Act of Contrition (sorry prayer) which we can use during this time. The children will learn about the stories of Jesus leading up to his crucifixtion and how we can use this to prepare and change our hearts and minds this Lent. 

Pope Francis Quote: “Lent is a favorable time for letting Christ serve us  so that we


This half-term we will continue our topic on materials.

Everyday materials and their properties posters | Teaching materials  science, Materials science, Properties of materials

The children will learn about different everyday materials and put the materials through different scientific testing. The children will learn about the properties of materials and be able to group them together by comparing and discussing differences. The children will learn lots of new vocabulary and will have hands-on experience to support their learning. 

We have carried our 1st experiment on transparent, transluscent and opaque. 

Our 2nd experiment was testing which materials are absorbent and non-absorbent.       


You can practise learning about materials or perhaps test your knowledge with a quiz on BBC-Bitesize.

Design and Technology

In D&T we will be looking at different types of bridges and their uses. We will be spending time building bridges out of different construction and materials. We will be using our new science learning and vocabulary to support our building of what materials will be best to use. We will be looking at how we can add moving parts to our bridges so they can open and close. 

Please keep a look out as we will be adding pictures throughout our time building and share our ideas with you all. 


In PE we will continue Gymnastics, where we will learn 2 and 3 point balances, movements and routines. We will add pictures of our balances so you can practice at home. 



Spring 1


In English, we will be looking at an epic picture book voyage full of friendship and adventure by award-winning author Jeanne Willis. Everybody knows that penguins belong at the South Pole and polar bears live at the North Pole, but what would happen if, one day, a family of picnicking penguins accidentally got lost? 



This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus. The unit also develops the children’s understanding of the importance of the birth of Jesus through the events that happened before and after, and the impact it had on the people involved.

Jesus, Teacher and Healer

This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the person of Jesus and his ministry as a teacher and healer. The unit will also develop their understanding of what Jesus’ ministry reveals to us about God, how the Church continues that ministry today in various ways and how Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus in their lives.


Our topic in Geography this half-term is Hot and Cold Places. We will start the topic by looking at the seasons in the United Kingdom and finding out which season is the hottest and coldest. We will use weather symbols to help us record and investigate the weather. We will move onto hot and cold places around the world knowing that it is hotter towards the equator and gets colder as you move away from the equator. We will focus on the North and South Pole on the globe, looking at the Arctic and Antarctica. 



This half-term the children will be learning about elements of colour by focussing on Inuit Art. Children will learn about primary and secondary colours, how to create repeating patterns through the process of printing and learn about a range of artists. The children will create a final piece of artwork to showcase their knowledge. Please keep reviewing this page for up-to-date photographs of the children's learning throughout the half-term. 


This half-term we will be working closely with Mrs Wallace every Wednesday. The question we will be looking at is 'What is pitch?' Children will learn how to identify different pitches in the everyday world, in instruments and in music. We will create our own rhythms using different pitches.


In PE we will start Gymnastics, where we will learn 2 and 3 point balances, movements and routines. 


This half-term we will begin our topic on materials, which will continue into next half-term. 

Everyday materials and their properties posters | Teaching materials  science, Materials science, Properties of materials

The children will learn about different everyday materials and put the materials through different scientific testing. The children will learn about the properties of materials and be able to group them together by comparing and discussing differences. The children will learn lots of new vocabulary and will have hands-on experience to support their learning. 

Check out this video to support your child's learning and introduction to the topic.




Autumn 2 

Week beginning 18th December

This week we will complete our subtraction unit within 10.

Week beginning 11th December 

This week the children will continue to learn about subtraction and fact families.

Week beginning 4th December

This week we are learning subtraction within 10, please find some games to support your child in this learning.

Week beginning 27th November

Learning the spelling's of numbers song

Part whole models game

Addition games

Week beginning 20th November

This week the children begin a new unit in their Power Maths. The children will be learning to read addition sentences and learn how to use a number line to solve the answer. Please find below some games to support your children with this.

Below is an interactive number line to solve simple addition sentences.


Number Bonds to 10

Pick numbers 1-10 to begin with and support your child learning to read the written word and matching it to its number 

Numbers to 10

Click on + - up to 10


Autumn 1

 Welcome Back!

Reminders and Yr 1 Expectations

  • Please read at least 4 times a week with your child at home and sign their reading diaries. Children hand in their reading diaries every morning to be checked. Children who haven’t read at home will need to be heard within the school day. We will listen to your child read on a Monday and throughout the week. 
  • Homework includes spellings given out on a Monday which need to be practised daily. They will be tested on the following Monday. 
  • Children will have a homework book, given out on a Friday and this will be returned on a Wednesday. 
  • Children will receive Math’s fluency homework Mon-Wed
  • PE Kits: Every Thursday, children should arrive at school in their uniform and get changed in school. PE kits should be washed and returned the following week. 
  • Forest School every Tuesday this half term, please bring kit with you and your child can come to school in their uniform.
  • The children will be participating in Forest School every Tuesday. The children will need to bring their additional clothes and wellingtons into school every week. 
  • End of Y1 Expectations

Please continue to scroll down for photographs of the children learning throughout this half term.


  • In Year 1, we will begin to revise Phase 3 sounds from Reception. We will then move on to Phase 4 and Phase 5. Please use the videos below to recap the sounds with your children. Below is some useful information and activities.

Phoneme– The sound of a letter. For example /k/.

Grapheme– The way we write the phoneme (sound). For example, /k/ can be written as c k ck qu ch.

Digraphs– Two graphemes that make one phoneme (sound).

Trigraphs– Three graphemes that make one phoneme (sound). 

Please find below phonics pronunciation videos to support at home. This will tell you how to pronounce each sound. 

Phase 2

Phase 3

Week beginning 23.10.23

This week we are continuing to consolidate phase 3 sounds within phase 4 words. Please find below some links to videos and games to continue to support their child in their reading development.

You can choose cvc, cvcc or any of the phase 3 sounds for this game

Week beginning 16.10.23

This week we are looking at phase 4 words including phase 3 sounds. These words include extra sounds and are longer words to blend. Please find below some links to videos and games to support your child in this learning.


If your child is still working on initial sounds or simple cvc words please click on the games below to support your child this week with their reading

Week beginning 9.10.23

This weeks sounds recap are air and ure. Please find games below to support your child’s learning:

Tricky word Rap

Week beginning 2.10.23

This weeks sounds recap are: ur, ow, oi, ear

Tricky word revision includes phase 2 and phase 3: please note the children need to be able to read and write these words correctly.

I, to, no, go, the, we, me, be, my, she, you, are, they, all, he, was

Please find games below to support your children this week:

Tricky word resources:

Phonics games:

Week beginning 25.9.23

This weeks sounds recap are: igh, oa, oo, ar, or

Tricky word revision includes phase 2 and phase 3: please note the children need to be able to read and write these words correctly.

Please find games below to support your child’s learning this week.

Week Beginning 18.9.23

This weeks sounds recap are: sh, th, ng, ai and ee. Tricky Word revision includes I to, no, go, the, into, we, me, she, be, my, you, are, they, was, her and he.

Please find games below to support your child’s learning this week.

Week Beginning 11.9.23. This weeks sounds recap are: X, Z, ZZ, qu, ch

We will be recapping phase 3 tricky words: we, me, she, my, all, they, was, you, be, are, her and he

Please find below games to support your child’s leaning this week:

Tricky word Song

Phase 3 blending games


Week beginning 6th Sept- This weeks recap sounds are: j, v and w. 

We will be recapping phase 2 tricky words. I, to no, go, the and into

Phonics games to play at home:



Maths online games: 

These games will help to consolidate your children’s learning for each week.

The children are re capping number bonds to 5 this week, click on the game below and select the number 5

What we will be learning this half term Autumn 1


Our Class Saint:

St Francis of Assisi  

St Francis gave up a life of luxury and gave all his money to the church. He began to help the poor. Francis thought that nature was the mirror of God. Listening to God, St Francis worked to make the church better by speaking up for the poor and looking after them. St Francis adored the natural beauty of the world and cared for all of God’s creations.

This half term, our values and virtues are Grateful and Generous. Year 1 aim to live like St Francis this half term. We will do this through our shared vocation of listening to God’s call, making sure we make an extra effort to care for our common home. We will be Stewards of God’s creation by caring for his beautiful world.


We have been inspired by our transition text I Love you Blue Kangaroo to support us with learning adjectives. We brought in our own teddies from home and used adjectives in our writing to describe them. 


We will use our class book “Hansel and Gretel” as inspiration for our own writing. This half term, we will focus on proper sentence structure, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. To further our learning, we will create descriptive writing based on the story. We will explore the Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar by beginning to understand verbs,nouns and adjectives.


This half term we will be learning about “The Human Body” The children will be learning the names and label the different parts of the body as well as learning what and where their 5 senses are. Below are some games and songs to support this learning:




This half term we will be learning about our “Local area”. The children will learn the main differences between a city, town and village. They will be drawing simple features they observe in their local area. They will learn about physical and human features in the local area. Have experience of maps and aerial photographs to identify known places.

The children will also be learning their address and postcode. 


The children will be focusing on the artist Vincent Van Gogh this half term. They will be looking at different art pieces and learning to give an opinion and ask questions.

They will learn how to use pencils to create lines of different thickness and to show emotion and feelings within their work. They will learn how to create mood in their art work using colour, pattern, texture, line, form, shape and space.