Class Saints
Class Saints
At St. Peter’s all of our classes from Nursery to Year Six have chosen a Saint to help guide them in their school life. We want to celebrate the lives of the Saints and take guidance from how they lived their lives to make Christ known to all.
On the feast day of the class saint, the class will hold a special celebratory day. The children will lead their own class assembly which parents and carers are warmly invited to. They will also have a non-uniform day and have a celebration with their class in the afternoon.
Nursery St. Mary
Reception St. Peter 29th June
Y1- St Francis of Assisi 4th October
Yr 2 St. Florian 4th May
Yr 3 St. Sebastian 20TH January
Yr 4 St. Mark 25th April
Yr5- Oscar Romero 24th March
Yr 6 St. John Henry Newman