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Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching is ‘an aspect of the life and the thinking of the Catholic Church.’ It concerns what the Church has to say about social issues and the way in which Catholic faith should be lived out within society. These teachings are rooted in Scripture and especially in the teachings of Jesus found in the Gospels.

Cardinal Vincent Nichols: Introductory video for Catholic Social Teaching website

Below is a video that explains Catholic Social Teaching

There are 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching and we are called to uphold them. To find out more about each principle please click below

Keep scrolling to see how we put this into action in our everyday school life:

Academic Year 2023-2024


We have been working very hard to create a beautiful space for wildlife to live and feed alongside trying to grow our own food we can use in school. We have been entrusted as stewards of God's creation and therefore the children have helped to plant, weed and water to keep this literally a buzzing place for wildlife! Special plants were chosen for bees and butterfiles as well as planting  potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, leeks and pumpkins! 





The children in gardening club are learning to be Stewards of God's creation. We have planted tomato seeds in the hope of using them in the salad bar in school in the summer term. With the help of Mr. Eddie we have also learnt how to take cuttings from a dying plant to make new lavender plants for our bees in the Summer time. Take a look at what we have been doing..

The children from the Good Samaritan group have worked closely with other schools in the collegiate at St. Margaret Ward with a focus on Social Outreach in the Summer term. The children were encouraged to think about the messages from the bible and how Jesus teaches us to show compassion and love to others especially those that are vulnerable and in need of our help.


The children in the Community Art Group have put faith into action this Advent and given up their time to volunteer at the Parish foodbank. The children have been thinking closely about the dignity of the human person and putting the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable first. They helped to pack Christmas food parcels and added special gifts, cards and prayers into them from the school. 

The children who take part in the Young voices club during Advent have visited Camoy's Court to sing Christmas Carols. Especially at this time of the year we aim to think about dignity of the Human person and how we can have a positive impact on those in the local community

Working with our local parish St. Joseph's we put the needs of the most poor and vulnerable first in our local community. We came together as a school community in solidarity to donate food which can be used to support local families. We thank you once again for helping us to live out our school mission statement "Together one family, one community in Christ"

Year 1 have focussed on being Stewards for God's creation this half term, celebrating the life of their class saint, St. Francis. Through his inspiration we decided we would create a garden and plant bulbs ready for spring time. We also created fat balls with our families to suppourt the wildlife throughout the winter. 

 The Good Samaritan group have supported KS1 with their understanding of Human dignity. They talked about Pope Francis' message and explained to the children how we can live this out through charitable acts such as supporting the Macmillan Coffee morning. The impact of the work the Good Samaritans have done around the Macmillan Coffee morning ensured we raised £178



Academic Year 2022-2023



The Community art group have been working hard all year creating packages, gifts and crafts for the families that access the food bank. They have now had the opportunity to visit and volunteer at St. Joseph’s Food bank in Burslem. They spent the morning supporting the parishioners with the sorting of food items, making packages as well as crafts for the families who would visit that day. We also took food donations from the staff at St. Peter’s to be used. 






We joined the schools in the collegiate in solidarity today on our sponsored walk to St. Margaret Ward. The children have been sponsored to help raise funds for the building of the new chapel building. If you would like to donate towards this cause then please bring all donations into school by the 7th July. We were joined by Margaret Ward students who led the children in a reflection before we left. 



  Putting our faith into action and being Stewards of God’s creation we are thrilled to have been chosen by Stoke Reads as the first school to host the Eco Library. The children have an opportunity to use this books to help inspire and change their behaviour and attitudes for a better future. 


The Community Art group have been working very hard thinking of the most poor and vulnerable in our local community. With a focus on human dignity the children wanted to bring joy and hope to the families using the foodbank, in particular that the School family of St. Peter’s is praying for them always. 









The staff and children at St. Peter’s have not ignored God’s Call this Lent. We are working in solidarity through participation this Lent by taking part in The Big Lent Walk. Currently we have walked over 1000 km and raised over £215 for CAFOD’s fight against Global Poverty.









The staff at St. Peter’s have again shown their commitment and acted fast in the call for supporting the most vulnerable with donations for the people of Turkey and Syria. Let us use the power of prayer, asking God to give comfort and strength to all involved in this natural disaster.

The children in reception when visiting the Church were able to drop off donations to the Parish food bank that have been donated by the staff at St. Peter’s this week. 

The children in Yr 6 this week have used the theme for Children’s Mental health week “Let’s Connect” to get out into our local community with a focus on “Care for the Common home” 








The Head pupils have represented the school this week planning and delivering an assembly all about their Islamic faith for Interfaith week. The children talked in great detail and demonstrated their knowledge around their faith alongside highlighting respect, human dignity and promoting peace.





  • The head pupils along along with some members of the Good Samaritans helped to transport and deliver the donations of hats, scarves, gloves and blankets to the local “Stoke on Trent Church Community Night Shelter” We were overwhelmed with the response from our families again during this difficult time. We have worked in solidarity together once more for the common good support the most vulnerable this winter. 

  • The Good Samaritan and community art group have taken down food donations and supported the volunteers with making Christmas hampers for people in the local community. We are working alongside our Church Parish St. Joseph’s In Burslem and supporting them in thinking of the dignity of the human being and the poor and vulnerable in our community. 






Cop 27.

The Eco council have launched Cop 27 in school this week with a child led assembly. The children have been looking at the Catholic Social teaching principle “Care for the common home”and how we can put this into action. The children have challenged the school to think about how they can become Stewards of God’s creation at school and within our community’s to become a part of the solution

  • Anayah has shown she is living our her faith and has been inspired to be a steward of God’s creation. At home she has been making bird feeders and putting them out in her garden for the wildlife to enjoy this autumn and winter. 



Yr6 this year have chosen to use their end of year production to spread the message of human impact on the planet. They decided to go to a local charity shop and upcycle outfits for their show. They created their own poems and information about the world leading charities and urged parents and adults to sit up and take note! The children raised £175.50 for The Katherine House Hospice




Wear, Care, Share

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the families and staff who have donated unwanted clothes and shoes for our latest appeal. The school wanted to be a part of this initiative as we wanted to put our faith into action by doing all we can to recycle and look after God’s planet. The Good Samaritans have worked hard to drive this message throughout the school. Our donations have finally been taken and weighed and all our donations weighed in at 200kg. We will keep you updated with how this is transferred into “Cash for Kids” and where this money will be helping young children.

The 200kg equates to £80 going to Cash for kids which will support helping vulnerable children in our local area.

Thank you very much

Food Bank Ambassadors 

Members of the Good Samaritan group, School Council and Eco Committee have had the privilege to visit the Food bank distribution warehouse in Blurton. The children got to see where and what happens to their donations. The children worked with volunteers to date and sort items and then visit St. Alban’s Church Centre where the food is distributed to the general public. By working in Solidarity we can ensure the needs of the poor and vulnerable are put first in our community. 








The whole school have been working hard using Cop26 as inspiration to demonstrate how we can act and be Stewards of God’s creation. We have created a whole school display showing how working in solidarity can have a positive impact on God’s world and the most poorest and vulnerable. 

Rise Theatre Company

We have been further inspired in our journey for caring for our common home with the help of Rise theatre. The production was called “God’s Planet” This interactive workshop explored God’s planet, the impacts of a changing world and what our children can do to help look after the planet in their own lives. The children had a full day of inspiring performances, singing, dancing and practical activities closing the day with a interactive final performance. Please look at the photos below: