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Welcome to our P.S.H.E page!

“Hi, My name is Miss Hilton, and I am the leader for P.S.H.E. When I was told that I was going to lead P.S.H.E about four years ago, I felt incredibly excited to be leading a new scheme of work in such an important subject. I love how P.S.H.E learning helps you to feel calm,  stay focused,  helps you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings and also helps you to grow a more positive mindset. It is a vital tool for life”.

How do we teach PSHE at St Peter’s?

At St Peter’s Catholic Academy, we have introduced a whole school PSHE spiral curriculum using a scheme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw combines PSHE, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development.

Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. Each puzzle starts with an introductory assembly, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike. Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.

There are puzzles (half-term units of work) each with pieces (lessons). Every year, each year group studies the same puzzle at the same time, allowing for whole school themes and an end of puzzle product, for example, a whole school display. Each year group is taught one lesson per week and all lessons are delivered in an age- and stage- appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs. We include the statutory Relationships and Health Education within our whole-school PSHE Programme using a Catholic scheme of work called Ten: Ten (See RHE policy).

Our Jigsaw Friends

Each class has a Jigsaw friend that can be used in the main lesson as ‘the talking object’ or used as a tool to help children talk about issues without having to refer to themselves.

Each Jigsaw friend has a different name.

Come and meet our Jigsaw friends…

Year 1 – Jigsaw Jack
Year 2 – Jigsaw Jo
Year 3 – Jigsaw Jino
Year 4 – Jigsaw Jaz
Year 5 – Jigsaw Jez
Year 6 – Jigsaw Jem

 Jigsaw: Jenie Friend - Jigsaw ShopEYFS - Jigsaw Jennie

Mental Health and Well-being

At St Peter’s we aim to promote positive mental health and well-being for every child, parent, career and staff member. Children will be taught about mental health and well-being and will be provided with strategies to help improve and maintain a healthy mental health through whole school assemblies and during their PSHE lessons. The school will also raise awareness of Mental Health through the whole school curriculum-themed days/weeks which are listed at the bottom of this page.

Children's Mental Health Week 2024 - My Voice Matters

This year we planned another amazing week of Mental Health activities for the week beginning 5th - 9th February.

Our school council planned and led an assembly on the Monday to share the theme of this year's Children's Mental Health Week - My Voice Matters. In classes, we heard stories about children that had spoken up and made huge changes, and we were encouraged to use our own voices to speak up about what changes we would like to see happen in our classes and around school. Then we all came together on the Friday for a community coffee morning and also dressed to express ourselves. 

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 – Anxiety!

We were excited to plan a week of amazing activities for Mental Health Awareness week beginning 15th May – 21st May.  This year's theme was around anxiety, and we learnt about ways we can reduce and support those anxious feelings during busy or stressful times in our lives.  We wore green to spread awareness of Mental Health and donated to the amazing Mental Health Foundation. We thank all families for their support and generosity. 

Mental Health Awareness Week - 15 to 21 May 2023

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 – Connect Us!

We were so excited to be raising awareness of Children’s Mental Health with Place2Be in the week commencing 6th – 12th February. This year the theme was all about making connections and coming together to support each other and our mental health.

Our School Council started the week by leading a whole school assembly, then during the week each class was connected with a different area of our community.

Stay & Play in EYFS
Y3 posting positive affirmations
Y4 playing their ukuleles
Y1 writing prayers with their parents
Y2 playing Bingo at Camoys Court
Y1 tidying up the prayer garden
Y5 making clay pots with the ladies from St Joseph's Parish
Dress to Express Day!
Y6 cleaning up the local area

Finally, on Friday, we hosted a ‘Community Coffee Morning’ for families, parishioners, and school governors. It was a fantastic way of connecting, raising money for the Place2Be charity and, of course, enjoying lots of CAKE!



We hope everyone had a fantastic week, and we thank you all for your continued support.

Anti-Bullying Week 2022! – Reach Out

At St Peter’s we take bullying seriously. We know that any act of bullying is not okay, and we want to spread as much awareness about this as we can. On Monday 14th November we started off Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks and encouraging everyone to celebrate their differences and what makes them unique. We know that we are all made in the image and likeness of God. He made us individuals and special, and we all deserve to be respected by everyone.

Please click the video below to watch this year’s Anti-Bullying Assembly led by our School Council. Our Journalism Club have also produced a child-friendly leaflet which you can read using the 2nd link below.

World Mental Health Day

At St Peter’s, Mental Health and Wellbeing is a top priority. We want to send the message to everyone that “It is okay if you don’t feel okay’ and we want to offer support to those who are dealing with poor mental health. Last year our School Council and Journalism Club worked together to create an awareness booklet and filmed a short assembly about Mental Health. Please click the link below to watch our assembly.

 On Monday 10th October, St Peter’s were involved in this year’s #HelloYellow campaign, showing young people that they’re not alone with their Mental Health and raising vital funds for Young Minds Charity.

It’s normal to have ups and downs – and with the cost of living crisis affecting many of us, we might have felt a little more down than up. But it’s the little things that have got us through it. Wearing yellow is a little thing we can do to make a big difference. We will be celebrating the little things we can do to look after ourselves and support each other, and together, we can show young people they’re not alone with their mental health.

The more people who show they care, the more comfortable young people will feel about talking to someone if they’re struggling.

Things can get better and getting involved in #HelloYellow for World Mental Health Day is a little thing we can do to make a BIG difference to young people’s mental health.

Whole School Curriculum Themed Days/Weeks planned for 2023-24

World Mental Health Day – Tuesday 10th October 2023 (#HelloYellow)

World Kindness Day – Monday 13th November 2023

Anti-Bullying Week "Make a Noise about Bullying" - Monday 13th – Friday 17th November 2023

Children’s Mental Health Week – Monday 5th – Sunday 11th February 2024

International Women’s Day – Friday 8th March 2024

Children’s Mental Health Week
International Women’s Day
Mental Health Awareness Week
Anti-bullying Week
World Kindness Day
World Mental Health Day

Useful Websites