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Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 class page – Mrs Finney and Miss Johnson are looking forward to spending this year with you!


Autumn 1

Whole class reading.

We will read Under My Feet and The King in the Car Park.

We will use these texts to explore key reading skills – vocabulary, summarise, infer, predict, explain and find evidence from the text to support our answers, whilst also enjoying this well-loved story



We will look at number and place value within 1,000,000. We will look at addition and subtraction finding missing numbers and solving word problems. We are following a new scheme called Power Maths which will enhance and embed our mathematical investigative skills using the mastery approach.


Book focus: Cogheart – Peter Bunzl

We will use our class book as inspiration for our own writing. We will learn key language and grammar skills

We will write a first-person recount and will look at and compose a character and setting description, then plan and write our own story, using the story mountain structure.

Ongoing throughout this and each term there will be a focus on punctuation and handwriting using the Letterjoin scheme.

Please help your child to practise at home, their login for Letterjoin is in their reading diaries.

RE - Creation -


The children will know that there are two stories of Creation in the Book of Genesis. They will learn what being made in the image and likeness of God means and the responsibility to use our God given talents. The children will know some reasons for praising God the creator of the world.


Our Class Saint -  Oscar Romero

Oscar Romero was regarded as the spokesperson for truth and justice for the people. He taught that violence could be overcome by Christian love and was told by the Pope to have courage. Oscar Romero said, “Let my blood be a seed of freedom, and a sign that hope will soon be a reality.” We will work together to think about the incredible work of our Class Saint, and we will use his ideas to inspire our own so that we too can help those who do not have courage.

Feast Day: 24th March

History - Victorian Era


Our History will teach us where and when the Industrial Revolution was and who the monarch was at the time. Learn about Queen Victoria and her role in society, looking at the class systems during the Victorian era. We will learn about a variety of different events and inventions that had huge impacts on the British Empire under the Victorians. Explore how and why the empire spread so much under the Victorians. We will understand the importance of the railways in the Industrial Revolution. We will look at what the expansion of the British Empire meant for Great Britain and what the impact was on society. We will highlight how historians’ interpretations of the past can change over time when new evidence comes to light. Finally, we will look at the influence and legacy of Industrial Revolution today and some of the most important elements and how historians interpret the British Empire.


Our topic is Living Things and Their Habitats 

We will learn that living things reproduce asexually, including bacteria, mould, algae and fungi.  This means they reproduce by themselves! We will learn that all living things can: move, respire, have senses, grow, reproduce, excrete and take in nutrition.


Over the year we will learn to play the keyboard; this half term we will focus on learning to play music using 5 notes where we don't have to move our hands.  We will focus our learning on hip hop music; understanding how the music developed and the impact it has had on the music we listen to today.

DT - Food

We will follow the design steps of – design, make, evaluate, cooking and nutrition.

We will be adapting a traditional recipe of Greek bread, writing an amended  method for a recipe to incorporate the relevant changes to ingredients. The we will design an appealing packaging to reflect our recipe. We will use equipment safely, including knives, ovens and chopping boards knowing how to avoid cross- contamination.

Computing – We are game developers

- To combine sequences of instructions and procedures to turn devices on and off

- To design algorithms that use repetition and 2-way selection

- To use technology to control a device



Being Me in My World.

We will look at being a citizen and about the rights and responsibilities that this brings. We will look at rewards and consequences and how behaviour affects groups. We will look at democracy and having a voice.


French Monster Pets

Notice cognates and near cognates in the text.

Use a dictionary to research the meaning of relevant vocabulary.

Recognise and sort nouns by gender and number, and to explain the effect this may have on an adjective.

Modify sentences to use the correct articles/pronouns (un/une and il/elle) according to gender.

Recognise rules of agreement in longer phrases.

Produce a short, structured paragraph using a range of familiar structures, with some manipulation of language and use of a word bank for support.


Football and Gymnastics

This half term, our PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

Reading –


Children should read at home every night and have their diary signed by a guardian. Please aim to read at least 5 pages each night and enjoy discussing and asking your child questions about what they have read. Children will also have a reading for pleasure book from the school library to enjoy at home. 


  • Daily Maths homework is set to improve fluency.
  • Reading at home should take place five times a week. This will be monitored through daily diary checks.
  • Weekend homework – English which will be reading comprehension or grammar, and Maths.
  • All passwords are in your child’s reading diary for the online homework below -
  • Handwriting can be practised at home using the Letterjoin scheme.
  • Spellings using the Emile scheme.

Times tables on TTRockstar.