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Hello, my name is Mrs Belford and I am the Maths lead at St Peter’s. Maths was my favourite subject when I was at school. I loved finding all the different possibilities and experimenting with number. I really love how all areas of Maths link together, like one great big jigsaw. No matter how difficult something may appear there is always a solution, so remember to never give up!

At St. Peter’s, we see success in Mathematics as a powerful tool for social mobility, giving children the knowledge, communication skills and critical thinking skills to be productive citizens in every aspect of life. It is a creative and highly interconnected subject underpinned by the three statutory aims of the National Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We wish for children to gain rich experiences during their time with us using their God given talents purposefully, knowing that they can be anything they want to be. As such, we aspire for every child to achieve daily success in maths, leaving each lesson not only with new knowledge but with a love of the subject. 


At St Peter's, we use Power Maths resources throughout the school from Reception to Year 6. Power Maths uses a Maths Mastery approach and creates consistency, ensuring each child builds secure foundations, allowing them to progressively construct and extend their mathematical understanding as they move through the school.  Every lesson is divided into sections that involve and encourage discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. 

Power Maths is written specifically for UK curriculum classrooms by leading mastery experts from around the world and recommended by the UK’s Department for Education.


Maths Challenge Day June 2024



Maths Club

We solved the mystery of the pudding lane hero.

What the children say about learning maths at St Peter's:


"I like maths because you have a picture at the start of every lesson to help you visual the problem which we can then discuss and share our ideas."


"It is fun, we share our ideas with each other, which means we are helping each other, and we know how to solve the problems."


"It is fun because it gives you challenges using pictures. And we learn new things to get better and better. "


"Journaling helps you to remember what you have done in the past, helps to show improvement and makes you feel proud of how much you have learnt."


Resources to support your children at home


Below are some links to  fantastic resources to support learning at home.

  • Primary Games You’ll find all sorts of maths content here, all presented as engaging games and challenges.
  • Maths Zone Another collection of games and activities across the full range of curriculum content, mostly appropriate to our KS2 pupils.
  • Topmarks Lots of fun games to play with children of all ages!
  • Chinese Dragon Ordering Numbers Learn to order numbers by playing this fun Chinese Dragon game!
  • Underwater Counting Game Learn to count up to 10 sea creatures accurately with this fun underwater themed game!
  • Splat Square Splat the numbers in different colours. Play games, look for patterns and learn your numbers to 100!

Internet-based Games relating to Times Tables Practice

Other useful websites